Rat King Landlord (Renters United edition), by Murdoch Stephens

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In February 2023, Renters United collaborated with Lawrence & Gibson to produce ten thousand copies of the great New Zealand novel Rat King Landlord ("last year’s surprise literary hit" Stuff) to share across the country.
The special Renters United edition is printed on tabloid newspaper size and contains the full novel and 15 original illustrations by well-known NZ artists as well as additional resources and information for renters.
Rat King Landlord was originally published in 2020 and tells the story of a group of flatmates who discover that the rat who they were trying to get rid of has become their landlord. As the rats of Wellington begin to organise, cryptic posters appear around Wellington inviting renters to join an evening of mayhem.
Publication date: 1 March 2023
Bulk orders no longer available. Order individual copies from Renters United's shop.