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The Life and Opinions of Kartik Popat, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

The Words for Her, by Thomasin Sleigh

Turncoat, by Tīhema Baker

Rat King Landlord (Renters United edition), by Murdoch Stephens

Slow Down, You're Here, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Down from Upland, by Murdoch Stephens

Aljce in Therapy Land, by Alice Tawhai

Sprigs, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Rat King Landlord (2020 edition), by Murdoch Stephens

Lonely Asian Woman, by Sharon Lam

Women in the Field, One and Two, by Thomasin Sleigh

Sodden Downstream, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Milk Island, by Rhydian Thomas

Ad Lib, by Thomasin Sleigh

A Briefcase, Two Pies, and a Penthouse, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Homeland of Pure Joy, by William Dewey

Credit in the Straight World, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Zebulon, by Richard Meros

You Should Have Come Here When You Were Not Here, by Brannavan Gnanalingam

Getting Under Sail, by Brannavan Gnanalingam