Richard Meros salutes the Southern Man

Richard Meros salutes the Southern Man

Re-released in 2012 with an introduction by Duncan Sarkies and the script of the theatrical adaptation by Arthur Meek and Geoff Pinfield.

“I salute you, Richard Meros, for reawakening me, and I stand behind you or beside you (whichever you prefer) and I join you, humbly and fervently, in your salutation of the Southern Man.” —from the introduction by Duncan Sarkies, Two Little Boys, and Scarfies

“Meros ... (is a) literary spirit to be greatly encouraged, prankster descendant, dare one say it, of Laurence Sterne. And I can think of no higher praise than that.” —Guy Somerset, The Dominion Post

Book details

ISBN: 978-0-473-12429-8
Release date: September 2007